Bar 1919

Concierge Plan

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Project Overview

Our company first began working with Bar 1919 back in 2018. They currently have our exclusive concierge plan that spans from design and production to SEO and marketing. In 2021 we completed a truly one-of-a-kind website redesign with exclusive custom features and a state-of-the-art online menu system. Over time we have provided commercial photography services, drink tutorials on YouTube, digital design assets including physical menus, noncontact QR fliers, Custom To Go Bottle Designs and the list goes on and on!

Our concierge plan has brought about extreme success: monthly sale records break again and again while key competitive keywords rank among the top pages of Google time after time. They told us they never thought they could get numbers like those before our involvement. We are proud to still be managing all of their digital platforms and we will continue to innovate and showcase the passion and hard work they put into their brand.

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  • Concierge Plan
  • Website Services
  • Full Marketing Services
  • SEO Services
  • Production Services
Bar 1919
Bar 1919
Bar 1919
Bar 1919

Preserving An Era

We were faced with the difficult task of designing a website for an old-time speakeasy. Going too far in one direction would take away from the character, and going too far in the other direction would make it look silly. We designed the site with bold colors throughout and we brought in all sides of the screen so people viewing it to feel cramped as if they were underground or hidden inside a speakeasy.


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Bar 1919

helix media

We help connect brands with customers through intelligent design & strategy.